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Question 934 of the 2nd edition of The Spirits’ Book, codified and published by Allan Kardec in 1860, foresees the possibility of other forms of communication with deceased loved ones, in addition to the forms then existing with the help of mediums, as we can see:

"934. Doesn't the loss of loved ones cause us suffering that is all the more legitimate when it is irreparable and independent of our will?

— This cause of suffering strikes the rich as well as the poor: it is a trial or atonement and law for all. But it is a consolation to be able to communicate with your friends by the means at your disposal,while you await the appearance of others that are more direct and more accessible to your senses." (emphasis added)

It should be noted that this prediction already existed in question 468 of the 1st edition of the Book of Spirits, published in 1857, in the following terms:

"468 — In addition to the material penalties of this life, Man is exposed to moral penalties that are no less intense. The loss of people who are very dear to us, for example, is not perhaps one of those that cause us great sadness, all the more legitimate How irreparable is this loss?

«Yes, and it affects Rich and Poor alike; it is a trial or an atonement, and common law: in the meantime how pleasant it is to be able to enter into communication with your friends by the means you have and which are propagated more and more every day,while you wait to obtain others more direct and more accessible to your senses"The possibility of entering into communication with the Spirits is a very pleasant consolation, as it provides us with the means of entertaining ourselves with our relatives and friends who left Earth before us. us and, solicitous, they answer us; there is, so to speak, no more separation between them and us. They help us with their advice, they testify to their affection and the satisfaction they feel for our memory. It is for us a great satisfaction see that they are happy, find out for themselves the details of their new existence, and acquire the certainty of rejoining our shift."

Instrumental Transcommunicationis the expression created by professor Ernst Senkowski, German physicist, for the technique of contact with spirits, using any electronic means to capture the images of spirits(ITC)and record their voices(EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomena).  In English we sayITC (Instrumental Transcommunication); in French,TCI (Transcommunication Instrumental), and in German, ITK (Instrumentelle Transkommunikation)


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Samuel  Andriotte
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  • Spiritist and device developer for TCI/EVP.

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